Restricted Key Systems in Adelaide
What are Restricted Key Systems?
Restricted Key Systems are an integral part of protecting your commercial property, warehouse, or business. Glenelg Locksmiths offer a variety of restricted key systems in Adelaide to ensure your property remains secure.
Our highly qualified Locksmiths can customise a Restricted Key or Master Key System to keep you in control of the security of your property. Glenelg Locksmiths are able to arrange the ideal key system in Adelaide to secure your complex, single-story property or multi-level building.
Benefits of Restricted Key Systems
There are many advantages to having a Restricted Key System or Master Key System in place. Some of the benefits that Glenelg Locksmiths advise to increase the security of your property include:
Duplicate Keys can be cut at Glenelg Locksmiths at your request. Our Key Cutting record system allows you to see how many key copies have been cut and when
we require written consent from the authorised owner of the Master Key or Restricted Key System, keeping you in control of duplicate keys being issued.
Installation & Duplication of Master Key & Restricted Key Systems In Adelaide
Glenelg Locksmiths are professionals at maintaining and customising Master Key & Restricted Key Systems in Adelaide. As Trusted Commercial Locksmiths in Adelaide, our qualified Locksmiths can assist with customisation and installation of high-grade security Restricted Key systems at your property.
Our Locksmiths can also assist with preparing duplicate keys as requested by the authorised person and our emergency locksmith service in Adelaide allows us to assist you in any emergencies. We work from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. However, if you are an existing client and need help please call us as we may be able to assitt
Maintaining your Restricted Key Systems
Restricted Key Systems are designed to provide maximum security to a property by limiting the access to duplicating keys by anyone other than the authorised person. With the added security of keys only being duplicated with permission, you remain in control and aware of where duplicate keys are at all times.
Glenelg Locksmiths are qualified specialists at creating and maintaining Restricted Key Systems in Adelaide for commercial properties and businesses. Our professional locksmiths are able to manage and duplicate keys on request by the authorised owner whilst our mobile service allows us to assist you in the event of a lock out. We use the latest software and technology to track any duplication of keys on your Restricted Key Systems.
We use high grade security key systems that are regarded as the highest level of security in Australia. By utilising the most trusted systems, we are confident that our systems are the safest in Adelaide.
The products from the distributors we work with are all of the highest grade and security standards in Australia. All of our distributor’s products are SCEC Endorsed to ensure that they have been stringently tested to the highest standards. SCEC Endorsement refers to the high level of quality and security of a locking system as determined by the Australian Government’s Security Construction and Equipment Committee. The distributors that we use include:
Lockwood, Abloy, CMI Safes, Bilock, Allegion, EKA, Lock Focus, Kaba, Chubb Safes, Master, Salto